
Tak Kwan offers private lessons to people looking to learn the violin or viola. He works with students in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student, Tak can satisfy your learning needs. 

If you are interested in learning more or have any questions, please contact us, and we would be happy to help!

Online Lessons

Tak Kwan offers virtual music lessons for local and global violin students. Anyone can learn to play the violin with Tak Kwan, without geographical boundaries!

Contact Tak and ask about virtual, online music lessons. 

Private Lessons

Private lessons are ideal for anybody who wants to play well on the violin or viola.

Lessons go at the learner’s pace, and are a 1-on-1 basis with Tak Kwan (unless other arrangements are made). The lessons will be at Tak’s studio or at the student’s home – whichever is more convenient. 

Royal Conservancy of Music Exam Preparation

Tak Kwan is an established professional musician. He has been certified through the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM). 

Regardless of your music level, Tak can assist you in preparing for your violin exam – ARCT and up!

Music Festival Preparation

Tak knows what it takes to perform as a violinist in a music fesitval. He is an experienced adjucator and concertmaster.

If you have an upcoming festival performance and need expert guidance to ensure a great performance, Tak Kwan’s professional critique is exactly what you need.

Ensemble Forming With Other Students

If you are looking to join an ensemble, Tak can help students form together. 

Practicing and performing with an ensemble is an excellent way to improve a student’s skill. This also helpe the student become a versatile performer. 

Ensemble Coaching

Tak Kwan has over 25 years of experience as a soloist, chamber musician and concertmaster. Tak has the expertise necessary to help you develop your ensemble. 

You do not need to have prior lesson experience with Tak Kwan to enjoy his coaching. Only a formed ensemble is required. 

Coaching is scheduled according to the needs of each group. Coaching is ideal for groups looking to hone their talents as an ensemble.