
I recently chanced upon the concept of Ikigai and it helped me gain a renewed appreciation for my decision to start teaching music.

For those of you who are not familiar with the ancient Japanese concept, it refers to something you are passionate about, that you are also good at, that the world needs now, and for which someone will pay you.

It combines the terms iki, meaning “alive” or “life,” and gai, meaning “benefit” or “worth.”

While I have extensive experience in, playing with different orchestras globally, and have received numerous accolades over the years, I always wanted to use expertise to benefit the new generation.

As every child is unique, I make sure I take the time to learn more about each of them so that I tailor my way of teaching to match their goal and aspirations.

It gives me great joy as my students improve their skills and to see numerous playing opportunities open up for them.

And now as teaching has shifted online and I am able to work with students from across the world, my joy has only multiplied.

What sparks joy in you?